First, a comment on the ice situation. It's improving, but temps are declining, again. This weekend is supposed to be gorgeous—so we're hanging on. We lost power again for about 15 minutes today, but we're back now. Also, I had a much better night last night on Neurontin, again. Fingers crossed that it continues. And finally *deep sigh* enabler sis has left her hubby, again. A slightly skeptical, and cautiously optimistic, "YAY!" She is coming here, again, I'll try to keep you apprised.
Now, back to the story of Mel & me getting together, and some of our obstacles:
To continue (part 3) with some of the tales of the uniting of me and my 2 boys (traumatized by a nasty divorce), and Mel and René (traumatized by the loss of her mother), I'll begin in So. CA where I was born and had lived my whole life. This was early 1975, and I had turned 31 in December. Mel would turn 35 in July. The kids were 10, (boy) 10 (girl), and 7(boy). I was also traumatized by the divorce (my ex had been a terrible emotional abuser), and Mel was also traumatized by the sudden death of his wife. Mel was a (in my ex's term) "f-ing Mexican", and he drank excessively. I was financially strapped, (ex played dirty and "got" me good—he got the gold mine I got the shaft) and struggling to care for kids, work, keep house and pay bills on a crappy income. I'd had to give up my good paying bartender job and go back to waitressing, because in those days, a woman was looked down on for doing a "man's" job. (actually, it had been illegal for a female to tend bar in CA, unless she was the owner, until 1973!)
René was further unsettled by the facts that she had lived in Seattle when her mom died, and she'd lived with her half-brother there while Mel made arrangements to bring her down to CA. So, to be introduced to a stranger (me) who'd be her primary care giver in a strange state, in new schools was really tough.
When my ex got wind of the fact that I'd be going to NM with Mel, he filled the boys with scary thoughts of our going to old Mexico to live in a shanty, yada yada. Isn't this a great way to start a relationship? Yes, Di, René hated me, the boys were very skeptical of Mel, and the kids were all vying for acceptance and security in that way which children have of bringing out the very opposite effect. As in misbehaving in order to get attention. It was a slow process of gaining confidence, and showing stability in our personal relationships, if not in a permanent home and school.
More to follow..... Hugs
A P.S.—Sis called me this morning and experienced a huge divine intervention! I'd begged her to leave both of her cell phones so that she'd give hubby an enormous message. She refused to leave both and took one with her. It got stolen!! Thank you Lord! I think she might make it, now, without the silver tongue of hubby—just don't give him your new number, sis!
First let me say "Praise the Lord" for divine intervention with the phone!. Your life has been a very interesting tale to listen to. I thought mine was kinda bad but yours makes mine just kind of ho hum LOL.
I hope your sis stay's away from her hubby for good. Knowing you Katy, I'm sure you will make the two families fit together well and make the mesh like one in not too long of time. You just have a way with people. Hugs.
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