I was so ready to jump into Mel's quitting drinking that I neglected to relate another earlier big event. The year was 1976, it was August 6th, 106°, and we moved, again! The lease was up on our rental house, it had had flooding and mold problems, and we weren't about to renew the lease. We'd been eyeballing a house two doors down which was for sale, and we applied for a loan on it (with fingers crossed). We got the loan, and today was moving day. We had plenty of big, strong young guys lined up for the cost of a keg of beer, and a few pizzas. It was the toughest move of all!The two houses had a split rail fence between them, and with each item carried, one had to make the decision to go over, or around it. This was a big deal if you were carrying a hide-a-bed sofa, or a heavy dresser. Those had to go around, making the distance carrying them (in 106°) longer. What a grueling experience—we're fortunate we didn't lose any friends, or lives due to stroke over the ordeal! But the job finally got done, and with doors closed, AC on, the pool table assembled, the keg still heavy, and pizzas arrived—it was time for fun and games!
The picture above was taken many years later, but shows pool table and rec. room. Background (hands on head) is youngest—Doug. Middle are Arno & Mel—foreground is Doug's friend and a close neighbor.
I can't even imagine heat like that! What a job. Enjoying hearing all this by the way.
106 degrees, I would have been the one sitting there in the AC telling everone where to put everything. I couldn't handle heat like that. Hugs
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