Tuesday, March 3, 2009


During the intolerable heat of 1980, we had to take some drastic measures, as we were living hand to mouth, and expenses were overtaking income by a landslide. The old AC in the restaurant was not able to keep up with the demand, and was struggling to keep the dinning room semi-comfortable. The customers dwindled, and those who dared venture in, had little appetite. The kitchen was not air conditioned, and  was actually life threatening—a meat thermometer sitting on a shelf out of the direct heat from equipment read over 130°! What it was for Mel and cooks working over the grills, deep fryer, and steam table is only imaginable. We did obvious measures such as rotating wet shirts, salt tablets and plenty of drinking water to prevent dehydration, and lower body temperature, but there was no relief in sight, and we needed to do more.

Our solution was to do our necessary deep frying (tortilla chips) and baking first thing. When those were done, the fryer and oven went OFF for the day. After breakfast, the grills went OFF. We put out a notice to our customers that due to the extreme heat, we would operate on an emergency menu after breakfast. Our mexican food was all micro-waved to order, so was no problem. We put out a menu of cold foods including salads, a cold cut plate, a fruit salad, sandwiches, stuffed tomatoes, etc.. We substituted potato salad for french fries, and Mel's potato salad was such a hit he had to keep it available for the rest of the time (16 more years) we operated the restaurant. The customers loved it!! The cooks loved it!! Our pockets loved it!!

The AC didn't make it, however, and we had to buy a new one (ouch!) We also had to buy a new one for the house. The air conditioning companies boomed that year!

Looking back, I think I should make Tee shirts for us that say, "We survived the summer of 1980!"      Hugs!


My Road thru Life said...

That sounds like a terrible summer Katy, but I'm glad you survived. I don't know if I would have made it, but I guess you do what you have to do. Anxious for the next segment of your story.

Unknown said...

That sounds like hell to put it mildly!

Diane said...

That Mel could cook in those extreme temps is amazing. Thank God you all found a way to change the menu offerings and make it, or Mel might be 6 ft. under right now!