Saturday, October 11, 2008

old picture—old kitchen

This is a test—it is only a test. I had posted (attempted to post) another picture from my drafts, and it disappeared! I have no idea where it went. It is no longer in my drafts, but neither did it find its way into my blogs. So, I decided to try again. I'm going to hit "publish post". Wait—i think I just found the problem—bet this works, and I know where to find the other one! More hugs! 


Unknown said...


My Road thru Life said...

You know, now that I look at that picture again Katy you kitchen and ours are very much in the same order except our stove is over next to the Fridg. and you can't sit at our island. Coloring is all different but otherwise much the same.

My Road thru Life said...

Our dinning room is right next to the kitchen and then our living room is in front of that.