I called Mel's voice mail to let him know I was running late. I didn't have my glasses on, and couldn't figure out why. I did a quick search for glasses and couldn't FIND them! I then did a more thorough search—nope! I put on my "spare" pair cuz how do you find your glasses without your glasses? I continued searching, sure that I'd find them with my foot on the floor—CRUNCH! But it didn't happen, and I really had to go! So, I took off wearing my "back-up" pair.
After shopping, Mel has to retrieve his bus at the barn, and we drive both vehicles home. I'd told Mel of the "glasses" incident, and he assured me we'd locate them. The first thing we did when we got home, was get flashlights, and look behind, under, and around everything relevant to my having sat in the chair, and realizing the glasses weren't "on". Finally Mel spied them on the floor beneath a coffee table a few feet from "my" chair—they were amazingly camouflaged—it's no wonder we'd overlooked them for so long. I don't know how they got there. I can only surmise that I'd taken them off while I slept, and they'd been in my lap when I jumped up to go.
All's well that ends well—and this ended well! Hugs!
Glad you found the glasses. As I read I kept thinking you were going to say they were propped on top of your head or something funny like that LOL.
Isn't it frustrating when you can't find something that you know should be right out in the open. Terry is forever loosing his glasses, only because he takes them off to often. I'm glad you found yours.
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