Monday, October 27, 2008

I Survived Smoker!

I'm adding a second post to show a picture of neighbor's lemon trees. They look a little weary because of all the lemons she just harvested, but there'll be more to come. I learned that they are a dwarf variety, and are about full grown. I also asked her about pollination. That is why she has 2 trees, and she aids with the cross pollination with a cue tip between flowers. 

I'd promised to get back if I could brave the conditions. I did, and I did!

More hugs! 


mrsmel said...
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mrsmel said...

had to laugh at myself upon re-reading this blog. I'll correct my cue tip (pool cue) to Q-tip! lol more hugs!

My Road thru Life said...

I thought that looked sort of funny. Anyway, that is really interesting. If we still lived at the other house I might try it but in this house we just don't have any place or any room to do such a thing. Hugs.

Yobeeone said...

That tree is so cool! Who would have thought of using a q-tip to help with pollination. LOL!!!