I'm feeling much better! My cold hit harder than I'd anticipated, and I struggled for a couple of days. They say that the "over-the-counter" cold remedies don't do much good, but I'd have been in big trouble without them.
There was no school on Friday—a teacher work day, but Mel had an evening field trip. He took it easy all morning, and didn't leave the house until about 1:30 p.m.. He didn't get home until about 10:00 p.m., and had a long field trip to St. Louis on Saturday—he had the alarm set for 2:15 a.m.! So, it was a VERY short night!! He'd had Friday to prepare, so had blanket, pillow and everything ready to go. He has taken this group (ROTC) several times before, and knew he'd be able to take a good nap when he got there. He did!
In the mean time, I was mrslazy! I was not feeling well, and took full advantage of not having to do anything to do just that—little to nothing! I did manage to do the laundry, but that was the extent of my exertion.
Today is a big day for us. This is the 29th anniversary of Mel's sobriety! Congratulations, honey!
Huge hugs!
Congrats...Mel and glad you are feeling better Katy! Sounds like good days ahead.
So glad your feeling better and congratulations to Mel. That's great.
Way to go Mel! :]
Nyquil is my fave. Even though I never spell it right. LOL It works great. :]
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