Thursday, June 4, 2009


Yesterday was "someday"! 

My house is pretty well organized, and I try to maintain it clutter-less. But, drawers and closets are another matter.  I have improved greatly over the years, but a funny incident 1980 (ish) started the transformation. Mel is a true neat-nick and an amazing organizer. No matter the size of the job, it is compartmentalized, and if he was blindfolded, he could put his hand on any item at will. He also keeps everything in repair and well cared for. (he still has a pen I gave to him in 1973-it still works, and he has back-up refills). 

Anyway, one day he asked me where "blank" was, and I replied that it was in the junk drawer. He then made the enlightening statement, "Would you be more specific, please." I still get a laugh out of that moment's realization that all of my drawers were "junk" drawers. Mel never complained, but my lack of organization must have driven him nutty! Since then, he became the "drawer" man. If things start to get out of hand (food storage containers and lids, for instance) I can now ask "Mr. Neat" to please put things back in order.  *poof* He's on it!

One major exception to "neat & tidy" was the linen closet. That became more and more cluttered over the years, until I had no idea what was in there, or how long it had been there. It was not quite "Fibber McGee", but close. Every time we (either of us) opened that closet, (a large closet) we commented, "some day". Yesterday was "some day"! I finally cleaned out that closet, and now have lots of stuff to get to trash and to resale shop. Ahhhh! Feels so good!



Unknown said...

Thank heaven for Mel..or how would you have time to spend on the farm LOL! The older we get the more we get rid of. It is better to be neat I think. Not there yet but getting better.

My Road thru Life said...

The older I get the less I care about being neat, but every once in awhile I reach a point where I do have to stop and clean a closet or drawer out. I have a friend whose hubby is like Mel to the extreme and he would drive me nuts. He's even that way about cleaning. Eerything has to be pulled away from the wall each and every week when they vacumn. Everything!! Hugs.

Yochana said...

I wish I had Mel's habit of neatness. I'm trying really hard with my camping/hiking gear and somehow still manage to find stuff missing. (long pause) I blame Jeff.