The next major event in our lives was René's wedding. What a grueling event a wedding is! Like moving, it puts a strain on everyone involved. But, it also provides some serious tests for relationships. Children don't often learn from their parents' mistakes, but René decided that the alcoholism which nearly destroyed her "poppa" was never to be a part of her life again. Shy wanted a "dry" reception, and insisted, even, that her husband-to-be (Danny) be a non-drinker. A couple of days before the wedding (invited guests on the way) Danny's buddies wanted to throw a bachelor's bash. René knew there'd be drinking and insisted that Danny choose between her and the "party". She sobbed as she explained her dilemma to us—feeling forced to go through with the wedding which we'd planned for so long, yet vowing not to cave in to her "booze free" policy. We assured her that she must follow her instincts, that we'd back her, and that we could have a huge booze-less party with all the guests, and forgo the ceremony.
Danny did NOT attend a bachelor's party, and the lovely wedding went off without problems. The only thing we could have wished improving was that a severe thunderstorm caught them while on the carriage ride home. They got soaked!
The wedding was in May 1988—it was the last time I ever wore "heels". Hugs!
Hey you and Mel sure clean up pretty good!! I'm glad Rene held her ground and I'm glad Danny choose not to attend his party. Those are great pictures. Must have been a beautiful wedding. I can remember all the planning that went into our daughters wedding and your right. it puts a strain on everyone involved. Hugs.
What lovely pictures and a beautiful bride. I quit the heels around 1995. I only had boys so I didn't have much to do with wedding planning.
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