Above are pictures of my very best friend (now departed—she must have really been needed in heaven) who was more like a sister to me for the 57 years we knew each other. The first photo is of us together taken in 1947, The second & third pictures are of us individually at the ages of 4 & 5—she was a year older than I, and I started school at 4 years of age (these were school photos). Note my unruly hair in the shot of us together—that hasn't changed! Mel calls me "Phillis" (Phillis Diller eat your heart out!) lol When I was that age, I asked mom if I could let my hair grow so that I could have long black braids like Ruthie. Ha! Note in my school photo how well coifed I was. Actually I believe this was my first grade picture—mom wasn't about to get caught sending me to school on picture day the way my kindergarten picture came out. Tune in tomorrow for that picture! Promise you won't laugh....... Hugs!
not seeing pictures...is it me?
Not you—blogger became unavailable for a bit—I'll try again :{
OKAY...I see you now Phyllis! Cute pictures. Maybe I should post young pictures of me and my friend...she shouldn't mind that!
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