I'm going to fill you in on a bit of what occurred while sis was here for the month of November. You might want to check out Nov., 3rd's blog, as this continues from there:
I met Linda (sis) at the bus station in Springfield as planned, and the chaos began! I'll leave the story here for now to give you some of Linda's history. She married at 18 to Gary, and they were a dynamic pair. They were married for 48 years, and accrued quite a fortune. They had 4 children whose births ranged from 1963 to 1978. The first was adopted, followed within 3 years by a natural child. Several years lapsed before # 3 arrived, then a few more years before # 4. The first two were reared quite strictly in hard times, during Gary's drinking days—he was an alcoholic.
The second two had an entirely different upbringing. Gary was sober, they were quite well off financially, and the kids were all spoiled rotten! They wanted—they got. I tell you this to explain that Linda always felt guilty that the first 2 didn't have the same "advantage" as the second two. All 4 turned out to be bums—so I don't know why she feels that she/they somehow discriminated. Anyway, Gary developed diabetes, and his health declined pretty rapidly in the latter years. By 2003 he was legally blind, and Linda had her hands full doing everything for him. None of the kids were financially (or emotionally) independent, so Linda carried them all. All four kids had drug problems, and were in rehab numerous times. Linda refused to "let go and let God" as her training dictated. She "jumped" when any of them whined.
Gary was Linda's emotional "rock" even though he'd become a physical drag. Gary passed away in 2006—a result of the diabetes, and sis was left with a big bag of worms without her rock, and with 4 leach addicts. She enrolled in a truck driving school (age 67), and obtained her CDL. A few months on the road convinced her that that was not the life for her, but she met a truck driver 18 years her junior, and after a year of "mostly together" she married the bum! He has hardly worked in the last 2+ years, and loves Linda's bank account almost as much as her kids do.
Back to the bus station in Springfield On Nov. 4. (Linda had left hubby to spend time with us)—she got off the bus with cell phone to ear talking to hubby! We hardly got a chance to talk to each other on the trip home because her phone(s), she had 2, kept ringing, and she refused to ditch them or turn them off. When we got to Cedarcreek, she asked me to stop at the Post Office. She sent money to oldest daughter (just out if prison)! I voted with no lines or waiting.
The whole time she was here, she was talking with the leaches, and sending money! It was really pathetic. But, it allowed me to "let go and let God" with her. I'll be available to her—but if she wants to come back here the phone(s) can't come. And the only money she can spend must be on herself (I'll hold her checkbook(s)).
Anyway, that explains some of the "stuff" I was dealing with for the month of November. Linda is now back in Alaska with her hubby (no step-daughter) and calls occasionally. She also lives with her oldest daughter, (just out of prison ) daughter's dog, (sis paid to transport) and significant other (junkie) of 3rd daughter who is in expectant mother's rehab! I am able to listen without offering advice or opinions. Hubby is working *gasp* but will be giving that job up when he returns to SC for daughter's birthday in January. What happens next? Nobody knows! Stay tuned! Hugs!