I could hardly wait for "Meet The Press", today (written Sun., 21st) after Thursday's economic meltdown. I did a lot of viewing MSNBC, and trying to gather more information. I was hoping for some reassurance, but, unfortunately, as gloomy as my personal views were/are, it looks to be even worse than I'd feared. I have tried to stay non-partisan as far as the elections are concerned, with my friends here. But, based on what I've seen, I want to appeal to any reader here—please vote for Obama! McCain comes across as totally bewildered, and irrational. We are in for some rough times ahead, and nobody has the answers, but we really have to make the changes which only Obama seems to grasp. Not that he has all of the answers, but I've checked out his site, and the only potential comes from his corner.
There is talk of ways to make profits and get some advantage from this catastrophe. Buy houses, invest, blah blah. For ONLY $300K you can.....Yeah, right! Come on.....98% of us don't have $300K! We barely make it to the next government issued check. We are relying on the diminishing workers in this country to hand over a growing percentage of their check to us! Yikes! Think about it! Who supports the 2%?
"They" talk of saving the "middle class". What middle class? Those making between what 6 digit figure and what other 6 digit figure? The greedy politicians are striving to save their own butts. They are the (so called) middle class. "They" have wiped out what used to be the middle class and left only the very rich and the poor.
There ARE some answers—Whoopie (on "The View") recommended one of the best I've heard regarding the "bail-out"—bail out those who're losing their homes—forgive half the debt. Don't bail out the boobs who screwed up! I'd feel better about contributing my meager share of ¾Trillion to the struggling home buyers who'd still be paying property taxes, etc., than to the CEOs! Watch the debate tonight with these thoughts in mind—then vote Obama! Hugs!
We feel the same here in our household as you do. Obama is our pick. What a mess things are in. Lynn is kind of depressed about it all. He watches everything and it just makes it worse.
It's not really that big of a mess. The media just likes to hype things up.
It's also nothing new and no one is getting us out of it. It will ride itself out just like the Great Depression did.
Time makes people forget that what's happening now has happened repeatedly since the beginning of time. :]
As it says in Kohelet, "There is nothing new under the sun." :]
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