1995 brought continued decline in my MS, (I'd applied for SSDI, and was approved) and in our work income because we had to pay others to do the work I had always done. It hardly paid to keep the restaurant doors open, but we continued to struggle, primarily because of our employees (including our kids) many of whom had been with us since 1978. Sister and hubby arrived on this scene on the white stallion (actually, in their RV), and assessed the situation, recommending liquidation, giving the employees a nice severance check, (cutting the kids' apron strings) and take a well deserved vacation before beginning anew. They offered to help with the closing, and take us back to AK with them in the RV. We accepted this generous offer, and closed the "restaurant" chapter of our lives.
The 4 of us had a fantastic trip to Alaska, pausing in Yellowstone where we met other sis & hubby in their RV. The 2 sisters & hubbies had reserved a room at the Yellowstone lodge for Mel and Me for an early 20th anniversary. It was a pleasant and completely unexpected surprise. After arriving in Alaska, (on the longest day of the year—20 hours of daylight in AK) we fished, (deep sea, fly-in, salmon) and had the full tourist treatment, as well as indescribable fun and adventure—a "to-die-for" vacation.
I'd done well in Alaska, but when we returned to Wichita, my progression renewed. Mel avoided going back to work in restaurants, and took a promising position with O'Reilly's in management training. But after he'd mastered all of the training, they backed out on the position, and salary they'd promised. Their loss!
More to come! Hugs.