My doctor visit on Thursday was "mixed". The good parts were a) my tests came out in the "normal" range and b) She recommended a medication for my shooters which is superior to Neurontin and is helping. The bad part is that her outstanding medical knowledge again trumps my years of experience (sarcasm). I'm wrong because she knows better! Grrrrrrr! She has never experienced shooters, and had no idea what it is I suffer, or how I've struggled for years to eliminate (out of necessity) their causes . She began to listen more, and understand the severity when I declared that I'd rather die of cancer than live with shooters—I will not live with shooters—they are unbearable! She mellowed, and began to realize that my points were to be considered. My ruffled feathers smoothed down, too. I do respect her knowledge and experience. So with these things considered, I think we've got a great relationship to hold hands, and go forth to tackle my problems.
We are both aware that being "in normal range", and being ideal for the individual are different things. We agreed that I should "up" my thyroid medication, slightly, and she recommended how. I agree that it is ridiculous for a 65 year old to continue with hormone replacement, but have determined that there is something in that therapy which my MS needs—I've long suspected estriol (a particular estrogen proven beneficial to MS) but it is not approved by the FDA and not available by prescription in the US. Our compromise—she okayed my ordering estriol cream on-line, and beginning to apply it per directions.
I've begun the increase in my thyroid medication, and have ordered the estriol cream. I've only taken the new shooter medication twice, and think that it is well worth the cost (pricey stuff—even with my Rx coverage). Especially since I think I'll be able to eliminate the need for it as I tinker with what I believe is the cause of my shooters, with regard to the hormone replacement therapy. I'd rather prevent the shooters than to medicate for them.
Mel was with me on doc's exam, and is very impressed with her. They (Mel & doc) shared a hug as we parted, and strengthened the growing bond between doctor, patient, and patient's family.
I have an appointment in 6 weeks (after more blood work) to see how the new regime is working. Stay tuned! Hugs!